Category: Electronics

LED vs LCD: Difference between LED and LCD

What is the difference between LED and LCD? In this post we will see the difference between LED and LCD. LED - Light Emitting Diode PN junction using gallium arsenide or gallium phosphide releases photons...


MOSFET vs JFET Comparison

Comparison of MOSFET with JFET In this post we will discuss about the comparison between MOSFET and JFET. Before proceeding further let us refresh the fundamentals about these semiconductor devices. Field Effect Transistor (FET):...

Zener Breakdown Vs Avalanche breakdown

Zener Breakdown Vs Avalanche breakdown The diode breakdown will happen through one of the following two mechanism. (1) Zener breakdown (2) Avalanche breakdown Before entering into the comparison of the zener breakdown vs avalanche...

Types of Semiconductors

Introduction of Semiconductor: Depends on the resistivity, the materials can be classified as Conductors,  Semiconductors and Insulators. Conductors are usually having  resistivity in the range of 10−7 to 10−8 m. A good example is metal. Semiconductors are having...